orange cream cake recipe step by step with pictures
By: frooha uae
Recipe date: 26/05/2015
how to make best homemade easy orange cream cake recipe step by step with pictures
orange cake Ingredients
cup and � cup of flour + cup of caster sugar +4 eggs +1 cup of fresh milk + � cup of starch + one teaspoon of liquid vanilla + a teaspoon of zest orange + a tablespoon of orange juice +1 and half a teaspoon of baking powder + half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda +1 cup of melted butter
Anoint two molds with butter and sprinkle with flour and put the butter paper
Mix the eggs, vanilla and sugar
Sift the flour and bicarbonate of soda and baking powder and starch
Then add the rest of ingredients and mix them until it is homogeneous
Distribute the mixture equally in the
put the two molds in preheated oven at a temperature of 180 for 15 to 20 minutes
Cream + orange juice + sliced toasted almonds + orange-flavored chocolate pieces
put the bowl in the refrigerator
Whisk the amount of cream
put orange juice on the piece of cake
Then stuff with cream and put second piece of cake
And cover the entire cake with cream
And Distribute almonds on the sides