arabic food recipes in englisharabic pickles recipeshomemade lime pickles recipe

homemade lime pickles recipe
By: Maryam Mohammed
Recipe date: 20/04/2015

lime pickles
Ingredients :
yellow thin skin limes
coarse salt
olive oil
saffron, optional

Method :
Slice an X into the limes but don't go all the way through, leaving the quarters connected.
Generously stuff the lime with coarse salt, and arrange them in a sterile seal-able container.
If using saffron, sprinkle lightly between the layers.
Fill the container with the lime, seal, and let stand at room temperature for two to three weeks.
The rigidity of the limes will have been broken down, and the salt will have release a lot of juice from the limes.
Pour olive oil enough to completely cover the limes.
Let stand at room temperature for another two or three weeks.
Store in the refrigerator (or in cooler weather, at room temperature) for two months before consuming and incorporating into recipes.